Q. What is 1831 Day?
1831 Day is Denison's birthday! Denison was founded on December 13, 1831, and each year, Denisonians from around the world come together to commemorate the day and make a gift in support of the university.
Q. When is 1831 Day?
1831 Day is celebrated annually on December 13.
Q. Who can donate?
Everyone can give, and ALL Denisonians are encouraged to give to make the biggest impact together! Your 1831 Day gift is tax-deductible. Contributions may be made via credit and debit card using the GiveGab online platform. These gifts will be received and receipted by GiveGab on Denison’s behalf. To make a gift via check, please make your check payable to Denison University, indicating your support for 1831 Day in the memo field, and mail it to our secure Park National Bank lockbox* in Mount Vernon at:
Q. What is GiveGab/Bonterra?
GiveGab, which is becoming Bonterra, is a nonprofit giving platform that helps nonprofits (like Denison) raise money, engage donors, and manage volunteers quickly and efficiently.
Q. Do I need to create an account to make a gift?
No. You do not need to create an account to make a gift.
Q. Is there a minimum gift amount?
The minimum gift amount is $5.00.
Q. Are there fees?
Denison has opted to cover all fees associated with your gift. We sincerely appreciate your support!
Q. How else can I help?
Please help spread the word about 1831 Day! Post on your preferred social media platforms and encourage your friends and family to get involved. For more engagement opportunities through 1831 Day, consider becoming an 1831 Day Ambassador! Visit the Ambassador Toolkit for more information on serving as an 1831 Day Ambassador.
If you are interested in more volunteer opportunities, please contact Amanda Morrison, senior associate director of strategic philanthropic support, at 740-587-5773 or morrisona@denison.edu.
Q. Who do I contact if I still have questions?
If you have questions about 1831 Day or about making a gift, please contact the Denison Annual Fund office at 740-587-6292 or by email at annualfund@denison.edu.